The dynamic and rich student life here at Children's Corner Early Learning Center is a major factor for many families who choose our school. Throughout the year, we offer an exciting array of activities for all of our student's interests. Get in touch today for more information, or we’d be happy to connect you with a current family to get you an inside perspective
How do we learn at Children's Corner?
"Play is the highest form of research."
- Albert Einstein
We stand behind this statement. Kids were made to play and interact with the environment around them in every way! We provide the materials, tools and environment and many times we are amazed at what our students learn and how they grow with each play experience they have throughout the day! Even our literacy and cognitive skill practice is embedded in play-based activities!
Students learn more when they are engaged in their learning. This means presenting all materials to them in a way that is interactive and imaginative is a necessity. We do a lot of modelling, reading stories, asking questions, proposing problems and seeking solutions. All of this is done with our eyes on the prize: student engagement.
Everything we do is centered around our students. We want our teaching to be relevant to our students and so we focus not only on their interests, but also their needs. This means we differentiate our learning activities to ensure we are meeting the needs of each student. Teachers also aggregate assessment data to guide their planning and whole group instruction.
Since we are a child's first interaction with school we want our center to be a place where learning = fun. We create lifelong learners by helping our students enjoy the process of learning and personal growth. This means consistent support, encouragement, and lots and lots of messy, dirty, hands-on, kid-approved FUN!
What does a day at Children's Corner look like?
Large Motor
Forty-five minutes of large motor play each day sets our students up for success. A child can only learn when their needs have been met, this includes meeting their need for physical activity!
Cognitive Growth
We focus on preparing your child for Kindergarten, by introducing concepts like patterning, sorting, counting and number sense. The most important skills we teach are problem solving and questioning. We teach students to question and problem solve.
We have many different centers available for children to interact with each week. Our centers focus on primary learning areas. These are out and open for students to interact with on their own, with a friend, or with educator assitance.
We have a science center full of items to engage your child's senses and encourage experiments and hypotheses. These tools are available for children at any time each day, and many times our students take these tools to explore the environment all around them.
Everyday we incorporate literature and language into our learning time. We focus on letter identification, letter sounds, comprehension and retelling of text.
Sensory Experiences
Engaging every part of your child's brain helps them form connections. We provide opportunities every day for sensory engagement. From squishy and slimy to soft, furry, or rough.
"I don't know 'bout you, but I feel better when I'm dancing," and so do our students! Each day we are sure to include plenty of chances to move and groove. We learn about keeping a beat, singing in tune (loosely), playing instruments and how music influences our lives and emotions!
Free/Dramatic Play
Honestly, this is where the magic happens! Students are encouraged to play and choose their own play, but while playing they learn to self regulate, interact with others, experiment and question, in order to learn, manage their time, and problem solve. "Play is not a relief from serious learning, play is serious learning. Play is the work of childhood."
-Mr. Rogers
Do you have a budding artist at home? Whether they are a Picasso or Pollock they will love creating new works of art each day they are at school. We collage, draw, stamp and paint with brushes, fingers, tooth brushes, grass, leaves, corn, monster trucks and more, and our art supplies are always open!
Social Skills
Each child needs a safe place to grow and learn. This includes a place to practice social skills in an environment that can help guide them. We encourage students to interact with one another and solve problems on their own, but are always there to help if the problem is too big, or they need a new skill to help navigate an issue.
Jesus Time
This is the focus of each and everyday. We learn bible stories and principles, but we don't compartmentalize Jesus. Instead we strive to model and encourage a Christian attitude during each moment your child is here. That also means that when we fall short and make mistakes those opportunities are used for learning as well. His grace is sufficient!
Emotional Growth
Big emotions can be hard for our students who are just learning the world around them that is why we talk through what emotions feel like, look like, and how to handle them. We provide students with a variety of ways to calm down, compromise and identify emotions in others. These ways are essential for future success.