Katie Okland
Welcome to preschool 2024-2025! I’m so excited to be back and can’t wait to get to know each one of your kiddos better while sharing the love of Jesus with them. I’ve lived here in Willmar for 11+ years. I was able to stay home with my 3 boys: Beckett (9), Madden (8), and Quade (6) for several years and this is my second year teaching preschool here at Children’s Corner. It has been such a blessing to me and my family and I’m beyond grateful to have the opportunity to learn and grow with your kids.
In my free time I like to watch sports, run/workout, read, travel, go to concerts and spend as much time with my family and friends as possible. I’m looking forward to making lots of memories and can’t wait to see how each child progresses throughout this school year